The written practice shall be approved by the Responsible Level 3. The written practice and applicable NANDTB procedures shall be available for review by the employer’s customer(s) and regulatory agencies. 4.1.1 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS The written practice shall include any additional requirements levied by the employer or cognizant engineering organization, such as additional certification levels or increased experience requirements. 4.1.2 NDT TECHNIQUES The written practice shall include the specific technique(s) within each method and the actions to be taken concerning additional training and experience, as well as the written and practical testing, when additional techniques are introduced for a currently certified individual. 4.1.3 TRAINING OUTLINES The written practice shall reference or include the NDT training outlines used by the employer. If an outside agency is used to provide training, the Responsible Level 3 shall verify that the training meets the employer's requirements. 4.1.4 EXAMINATION PRACTICES The written practice shall include the designation of the individual(s) or organization(s) responsible for administering examinations, the number of examination questions to be administered, and the specific visual acuity examination method to be used. If required, the use of a general examination for recertification shall be documented in the written practice.