1. Scope1.1 This standard establishes the requirements for AWS certification of automated processoperators and technicians. It describes how personnel are certified, and the principles of conductand practice by which certification may be maintained. Any oral or written claim of certificationunder the guidelines established herein shall be made only by those individual Certified RoboticArc Welding (CRAW - O/T) Operator or Technician who are, at the time of the claim, currentand in compliance with all sections of this standard.1.2 In the certification process, AWS conducts an examination to determine a person's generalknowledge of robotic arc welding operation and related technical areas. No determination ismade of an individual's capabilities in applying that knowledge neither within a specific workenvironment nor under actual working conditions.1.3 In the certification process, the employer is responsible for determining that a person hasother qualifications as stated herein.1.4 It shall be the responsibility of the employers to determine that the CRAW Technician orOperator is capable of performing the duties involved in their particular welding environment,and to provide or make available such training or indoctrination as may be required.1.5 This standard is intended to supplement the requirements of an employer, code, or otherdocuments and shall not be construed as a preemption of the employer's responsibility for thework or for the performance of the work.1.6 Safety Precautions. This document is not intended to address safety and health mattersregarding certified CAWRP Technician or Operator. Safety and health requirements areprovided in ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding and Cutting, and Allied Processes (available fromthe American Welding Society) and RIA 15.06, American National Standard of IndustrialRobots and Robot Systems - Safety Systems and other safety and health standards, and federal,state, and local government regulations. This document only covers the rules of personnelcertification.