1 Scope1.1 This standard provides:− test and statistical methods for generating fatigue distribution data;− test and statistical methods for conducting a verification of the pressure ratings on tie rod or bolted cylinder;− common requirements and an industry-wide philosophy in judging one type of pressure capability for fluid power tierod or bolted cylinders;− uniform methods of product comparison.1.2 Follow NFPA/T2.6.1 R2.1.3 This standard encourages manufacturers to use this common method to enhance the credibility of their pressureratings.
2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this NFPAdocument. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All documents are subject to revision, andparties to agreements based on this NFPA document are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the mostrecent editions of the documents indicated below. NFPA maintains registers of currently valid NFPA standards.NFPA/T2.6.1, Fluid power components – Method for verifying the fatigue and establishing the burst pressure ratingsof the pressure containing envelope of a metal fluid power component.ISO 1000, SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units.ISO 5598:, Fluid power systems and components – Vocabulary.ASTM E466-1996, Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests ofMetallic Materials.
3 DefinitionsFor the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply. For definitions of other terms used, see ISO 5598 andNFPA/T2.6.1 R2 clause 3 with the following exception and addition:3.10 The following elements are considered part of the pressure containing envelope:Tie rodsRetaining boltsCylinder body (open and closed ends)Fasteners (Tie rod nuts)Piston to piston rod connectionsHeadsCapsRetaining flangesMethod of securing retaining flangesAny element required to retain piston rod seal assembly3.11 elements: The individual pieces assembled to make-up a tie rod or bolted fluid power cylinder.
4 Units of measurement4.1 The international system (SI) units are used per ISO 1000, except cylinder bore and rod sizes are in inches.4.2 Approximate conversion to customary U.S. units appear in parenthesis after their SI counterparts.