4 TestingThe tests described in Annexes A to N are intended to verify that a caravan representative of a given model,including its fixtures and fittings, meets the requirements of this European Standard.These tests are intended to simulate the most onerous conditions for the relevant characteristics.It is recommended to take environmental aspects into account during development, production and disposalof caravans based on established knowledge and within the respective technical possibilities(see also Annex O).5 Design and construction5.1 OccupancyThe manufacturer shall designate the occupancy as the number of berths, both standard berths andadditional berths provided by the manufacturer, and shall include it in the user's handbook and in hisbrochures. The occupancy is also needed to determine the ventilation requirements (see EN 721).5.2 RigidityWhen stationary, with the floor horizontal and all corner steadies extended to the ground, an upward thrustof 1 500 N applied to one corner steady for a duration of 15 min shall not cause the caravan to distort to anextent that would make any door or window difficult to open.Rigidity shall be tested in accordance with Annex A.5.3 Corner steadiesEach caravan shall be equipped with four steadies, one at each of its four corners. Each steady shall beretractable and adjustable in height. Each steady shall be capable, when extended, of carrying a load of notless than 25 % of the maximum technically permissible laden mass of the caravan. An appropriate operatingtool shall be provided.A certificate, from the corner steady manufacturer or supplier shall accompany the caravan to be testedshowing, either by calculation or by test, the loading capability of each type of corner steady.5.4 Grab handlesFour external grab handles for manoeuvring the caravan shall be located externally to the body work, one oneach side at the front and one on each side at the rear.For those caravans with a maximum technically permissible laden mass not exceeding 750 kg, two grabhandles at the front of the caravan one on each side are sufficient.The hand clearance aperture of each grab handle shall be not less than 30 mm × 120 mm.The grab handles shall be tested according to Annex B.There shall be no visible permanent deformation or loosening of the grab handle and/or of its fixings.