RTCA DO-257 Revision B, March 22, 2018 Minimum Operational Performance Standards for the Depiction of Navigational Information on Electronic Maps

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Description / Abstract: Introduction

This document contains minimum operational performance standards (MOPS) for the graphical depiction of navigation information on electronic map displays (EMDs) used for flightcrew awareness of the aircraft/ownship position relative to other items depicted on the EMD. The EMD is intended to support, but not replace, the navigation and guidance information presented on the primary flight displays. This document includes requirements for electronic map displays depicting the plan view (in-flight), airport map (surface), and vertical (profile) information.

Navigation information, as used in this document, is information intended to be used to assist the pilot to identify the aircraft’s position with respect to flight plans, fixes, and navaids (such as VORs, NDBs, etc.) as well as items on the airport surface. The requirements in this MOPS have been updated to support RNP systems, specifically when the plan view map is displayed and used to display defined paths generated by the RNP system. Additionally, this MOPS assumes no changes to operational requirements. These standards may be applied to moving map displays irrespective of the display technology used (see definitions in Section 1.8). These standards specify EMD characteristics that should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers, and users of the EMD.

Compliance with these standards is recommended as one means of assuring that the EMD will perform its intended function(s) (see Intended Function(s) in Section 1.4) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operations. Any regulatory application of these standards is the sole responsibility of the appropriate governmental agencies.

Section 1.0 provides information on purpose and scope needed to understand the rationale for EMD characteristics and standards stated in the remaining sections. It describes typical EMD applications and operational goals as well as establishes the basis for the standards stated in Sections 2.0 through 3.0. Definitions and assumptions essential to proper understanding of this document are also provided in this section.

Section 2.0 contains general guidance and minimum performance standards for the EMD. These standards specify the required performance under standard operating and environmental conditions. Section 2.1 contains requirements and general guidance that may not have associated test procedures. Section 2.1 and 2.2 provide requirements for all EMDs addressed in this document, including the plan view map, airport map, and vertical situation displays (VSD). Requirements in Section 2.3 apply to the plan view map display. Requirements in Section 2.4 apply only to airport map displays. Requirements in Section 2.5 apply only to the VSD. Also included are recommended bench test procedures necessary to demonstrate EMD compliance with the stated minimums.

Section 3.0 describes manufacturer’s considerations for installed equipment performance and references source documents for installation guidance.

Section 4.0 describes the operational performance characteristics for equipment installations and the conditions that will assure the EMD user that operations can be conducted safely and reliably in the expected operational environment.

Appendix A is a list of abbreviations recommended for use with EMDs and associated documents. Appendix B contains a glossary of terms and acronyms, while Appendix C contains a bibliography and a list of all references cited in this document. Appendix D contains a list of all “shall” requirements in the body of the document (summarized for the convenience of the applicant and test team). Appendix E contains guidance on the use of color.

The acronym EMD, as used in this document, includes all components and features necessary for the system to properly perform its intended function(s). Standards for the design and implementation of optional features, beyond those required for a minimum EMD, only apply if those features are implemented. This MOPS also includes characteristics of the operational environment for which these requirements are appropriate.

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