DE-79-09-3 -- Energy Conservation: An Investigation of the Thermal Comfort Alternative
The ASHRAE Fundamental Building has been computer simulated utilizing temperature and ventilation perimeters recommended in the ASHRAE HANDBOOK and Product Directory - 1978 Applications Volume. The fundamental building shall be provided an energy budget if it was located in Vallejo, California and designed and constructed in accordance with data contained in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. The basic buildings energy budget in Btu/ft/yr (W/m/yr) shall be compared to that of an individual bUllding with the following comfort condition variables; less ventilation air and air changes per hour, lower interior design and operating temperature during winter, higher interior design and operating temperature during summer and allowance of a dead band temperature range.Specific energy conservation obtained from the comfort condition variables shall be illustrated as both energy and annual operating cost savings. In conclusion the paper provides a guideline with which to make a professional decision relative to building comfort conditions versus energy conservation.Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 85, Part 2, Detroit, MI