ATECYR -- Calidad del Aire Interior - DTIE 2.02

ATECYR -- Calidad del Aire Interior - DTIE 2.02

Paulino Pastor Asociacion Espanola de Climatizacion y Refrigeracion / 2006 / 110 pages ISBN: 849501016X

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El presente documento incluye una relacin de los factores que deben tenerse en consideracin en el momento del diseo de una instalacin nueva o en la remodelacin de una existente, con objeto de asegurar que la calidad de aire interior suministrada por la misma sea correcta, as como durante su vida til.

This book coversdifferent factors that must be consideredin designinga new installation of an interiorclimate systemor remodeling of an existing one, with the object being to assure good indoor air qualityduringthe life of the structure. Sections include ventilation, the use of filtration to eliminate contaminants, the hygiene of the air distribution system, minimization and control of interior contaminants, climate controls, and costs.

NOTE: This entire publication is printed in Spanish with no English translations.

Units: SI

Citation: Non-ASHRAE Book

Product Code(s): 96672

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