BS EN 153000:1998
Applies to rectifier diodes, transistors, thyristors and their derivatives. The requirements also cover encapsulated assemblies but not to stacks or assemblies made with these encapsulated components.
Cross References:
CECC 00007
CECC 00111
EN 100114-1
EN 100114-2
IEC 60027
IEC 60050
IEC 60068-1
IEC 60068-2-2
IEC 60068-2-6
IEC 60068-2-14
IEC 60068-2-17
IEC 60148
IEC 60191
IEC 60410
IEC 60617
IEC 60747-2
IEC 60747-6
ISO 497
ISO 1000
ISO/R 2015
Keywords: Semiconductor devices; Electronic equipment and components; Thyristors; Transistors; Rectifier diodes; Encapsulated; Qualification approval; Approval testing; Conformity; Assessed quality ; Detail specification; Visual inspection (testing); Quality assurance ; Quality assurance systems; Electrical testing; Non-destructive testing ; Marking; Dimensions; Environmental testing; Endurance testing ; Leak tests
Product Code(s): 01453186,01453186