LA-80-04-1 -- Testing of the IDS Tower Smoke Control System

LA-80-04-1 -- Testing of the IDS Tower Smoke Control System

J.W. Fothergill, Jr.; G.C. Hedsten, P.E. ASHRAE / 1980 / 18 pages

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This paper describes the Smoke Control System of the IDS Tower and some of the tests performed, and the results of the tests performed on the smoke control system by Integrated Systems, Inc. (ISI) for Oxford Development Minnesota, Inc. It was the purpose of these tests to exercise the smoke control system of the IDS Tower in representative and critical modes of control and determine if the system would control the flow of combustion gases and aerosols from a fire as expected and, to the degree possible, the effectiveness of such control.

Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 86, Part 1, Los Angeles, California

Product Code(s): D-LA-80-04-1

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