CH-81-04-2 -- EMCS Backup Functions: System and Software Design Considerations

CH-81-04-2 -- EMCS Backup Functions: System and Software Design Considerations

G.P. Futas, P.E. ASHRAE / 1981 / 12 pages

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The design considerations for backup mode operations are more complex than those required for the primary system design. The major reason for this is the number of combinations and permutations for possible failures and their impact on the system operation. This paper focuses on Energy Management and Control Systems (EMCS) for building and facility automation applications. However, the principles discussed herein apply to most processes operating in acquisition/control environments having similar real-time response requirements.

Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 87, Part 1, Chicago, Illinois

Product Code(s): D-CH-81-04-2

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