PH-79-01-4 (RP 215) -- Effect of Supply and Return Outlet Location on Stratification
During the latter half of the 1960s, Joseph B. Olivieri was commissioned to do a series of in-plant environmental studies of a number of automotive plants. Two thirds of the studies were of assembly plants and one third were of manufacturing plants. Each of the studies involved not only the study of thermal conditions but also contaminant levels. The study of contaminant levels was included so that the effect of any air distribution changes on contaminant levels would be considered. Each study presented the same recommendation. Air conditioning the plant was the only way to maintain the corporations desired thermal conditions.This led to the study of three plants that were air conditioned. An earlier study had concluded that through the use of stratification significant reductions in the cooling load could be achieved.This paper reports the results of the program which studied the effect of location of supply and return devices on temperature stratification in industrial plants.Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 85, Part 1, Philadelphia, PA