AT-78-07A-2 -- Thermal and Non-Thermal Human Responses to Air Movement and Relative Humidity

AT-78-07A-2 -- Thermal and Non-Thermal Human Responses to Air Movement and Relative Humidity

Dr. James E. Woods ASHRAE / 1978 / 10 pages

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When evaluating indoor environments for human health and comfort, six thermo-physical factorsare normally considered: dry bulb temperature, humidity, mean radiant temperature, airvelocity, metabolic activity level, and thermal properties of clothing. Additionally, airquality factors such as gaseous and particulate concentrations should be considered. Airmovement and humidity affect both the thermal and non-thermal responses of man to the environment,and therefore must be considered among the most important physical factors. Thispaper addresses the physiological and affective responses of humans to these two factors.

Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 84, Part 1, Atlanta, GA

Product Code(s): D-AT-78-07A-2

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