A25 -- Drying and Storing Selected Farm Crops (I-P)
Control of moisture content and temperature during storage is critical to preserving the nutritional and economic value of farm crops as they move from the field to the market. Fungi (mold) and insects feed on poorly stored crops and reduce crop quality. Relative humidity and temperature affect mold and insect growth, which is reduced to a minimum if the crop is kept cooler than 50F (10C) and if the relative humidity of the air in equilibrium with the stored crop is less than 60%.Chapter Table of ContentsDrying Equipment and PracticesShallow-Layer DryingDeep-Bed DryingDRYING SPECIFIC CROPSSoybeansHayCottonPeanutsRiceSTORAGE PROBLEMS AND PRACTICESMoisture MigrationGrain AerationSEED STORAGECitation: 2011 ASHRAE Handbook -- HVAC Applications:Chapter 25, Drying and Storing Selected Farm Crops