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MSS SP-70-2011

MSS SP-70-2011

Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends Manufacturers Standardization Society / 01-Oct-2011 / 16 pages

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This Standard Practice covers gray irongate valves with flanged or threaded ends.This Standard Practice covers valves insizes and pressure-temperature ratingsspecified herein for general purpose service.This Standard Practice also includes,directly or by reference, stipulations onchemical and physical properties of materials,and dimensions of end connections incommon use.

This product referenced by:ANSI/ASME B16.38-2012 - Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
This product replaces:MSS SP-70-2006 - Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
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