NSF/ANSI 305-2011
This edition of the Standard (NSF/ANSI 305-2011) includes the following revisions:
Issue 3 - Purpose, Definitions, General requirements, Production and handling requirements
Modifications to Purpose (1.1); Definitions (3.2, 3.5, 3.9, and 3.23); General requirements (,, and; Production and handling requirements (5.1); Organic production system plan (5.2).
Issue 6 - Ingredient Sourcing
Allows plant-based products certified to EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008 (European Union organic regulations) to be considered equivalent to USDA NOP standards certification.
Issue 7 - Botano-Chemical Processes and Catalysts
(1) Updates Table 5.1 to show a missing process known as Etherificiation of glycerin and glycerin making polyglycerols; (2) updates the naming conventions so that the botano-chemical process names are the same in Table 5.1, Table 6.1 and Annex E; and (3) incorporates additional language allowing for the use of catalysts meeting the chemical definition of catalyst (3.3) in the botano-chemical processes (5.3.1).
Issue 8 - Annex G
(1) Changes Annex G from Informative to Normative; (2) amends the introductory note in Annex G; (3) specifies in Table G.3 that Glycine betaine extracted from sugar beets is allowed; and (4) clarifies in Table G.3 that in addition to betaines other that Glycine betaine extracted from sugar beets, amphoteric surfactants are also prohibited.
Issue 9 - Normative and Informational ReferencesUpdates both 2.1 Normative references and 2.2 Informational references.
Issue 10 - Mined Minerals
Incorporates a note concerning compliance with the California Organic Products Act (COPA) of 2003 and the proper calculation of mined minerals in Sections 5.3.3, 6.3 and A.4.4.
Issue 12 - Certifier PlacementGiven the space constraints of some product labels, allows flexibility of certifier placement on agricultural packaged products, consistent with what is currently allowed under the USDA NOP.