ANSI/ASQ/ Q10014-2006

ANSI/ASQ/ISO Q10014-2006

Quality management -- Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits Edition: 1st
American Society for Quality/International Org. for Standardization / 31-Aug-2006 / 36 pages

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This International Standard is addressed to top management. It provides guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits through the effective application of eight quality management principles derived from ISO 9000:2005. The intent of this document is to provide top management with information to facilitate effective application of management principles and selection of methods and tools that enable the sustainable success of an organization. A self-assessment is included as a gap analysis and prioritization tool (see Annex A).

Financial and economic benefits that can result from the application of the management principles include: improved profitability, improved revenues, improved budgetary performance, reduced costs, improved cash flow, improved return on investment, increased competitiveness, improved customer retention and loyalty, improved effectiveness of decision making, optimized use of available resources, heightened employee accountability, improved intellectual capital, optimized, effective and efficient processes, improved supply chain performance, reduced time to market, and enhanced organizational performance, credibility and sustainability.

This International Standard is applicable equally to organizations with products that include services, software, hardware and processed materials. It is relevant in both the public and private sector and can provide useful guidance regardless of the number of employees, diversity of product offerings, revenues, complexity of processes or number of locations. It also provides support to public and governmental organizations to facilitate sustainable economic growth and prosperity.

This first edition of ISO 10014 cancels and replaces ISO/TR 10014:1998, which has been technically revised. The intent of this edition is to improve the relationship of ISO 10014 with the ISO 9000 series of International Standards and to include a new structure relating to the quality management principles. Also, the title and the scope have been revised to reflect the changes in the ISO 9000 series and to give guidance for performance improvement and realization of the aim of this International Standard.

Keywords: T860(E)

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